Nilofer Suleman

Born in 1963 at Indore, Nilofer Suleman started her journey as an artist some fifteen years ago as a cartographer and miniature artist, collecting and recreating Columbus-esque old maps, creating rivers and mountains in delicate ink-spelt detail. The imprints of this experience are clear in her paintings that bring Indian typography and street graphics and culture onto a contemporary platform. Her style juxtaposes the real world on the streets to a softer world where lotuses sprout from any surface, serpents fall asleep daintily in one’s hair, and blue-skinned lovers embrace. Besides painting, Nilofer’s creative repertoire also includes curation and writing. Her work presents a meeting point for these different worlds to interface with everyday life and popular culture. It has been exhibited in different Indian metros and at the India Art Fair. Nilofer is based in Bangalore and lives and works in the city.

Nilofer Suleman art works

Sita Ram Marriage Bureau
Sita Ram Marriage Bureau
Acrylic on Canvas 150x91 cm