Arvind Mishra

Arvind Mishra born in 1959 in Jaipur is Mukul Mishra’s uncle. A graduate in science from the University of Rajasthan he trained in sculpting and carving under the guidance of his elders and specialized in making religious icons of gods and goddesses besides Madonna and Buddha. Working mostly in marble, many of his creations adorn temples across India and some are consecrated in religious sites abroad. A holder of KK Sen Memorial Scholarship as well as State LKA and All India Mini Sculpture AIFACS Awards, his work has featured in exhibitions held in Delhi, Jaipur, Mumbai, Chandigarh and Ujjain and is part of private and religious collections in India and abroad. Both the uncle and nephew artists live in a joint family in Jaipur. They work from their collective studio on the outskirts of the city and have a showroom and workshop in the city.

Arvind Mishra art works
