Desmond Lazaro, born in 1968 in Leeds, is a British citizen presently based in Pondicherry. He came to India several years ago to pursue his MFA at the MS University in Baroda. Captivated by the historic painting traditions of Rajasthan he stayed on in the country to study for twelve years under Jaipur Master Bannu Ved Pal Sharma, to master miniature painting techniques. His PhD thesis on the Pichhwai painting tradition was submitted to the Prince’s School of Traditional Arts in London. He has not only learnt the painting techniques but also researched and written on pigments, papers and cloth that he uses in his creative process. He follows the ancient tradition of creating pigments by hand from semi-precious mineral stone (such as Lapis and malachite), organic (from vegetables, insects and plants), alchemical (by chemical process), and earth (from soft earth deposits such as yellow ochre) derivations, that are classified not by their color, but from where the pigment is derived. Desmond’s work, as well as his personal history, spans East and West, and his paintings have been exhibited extensively in India, the UK, and Germany. A wider concern with identity and belonging defines his more recent work that forms part of significant collections including at the international airport in Mumbai. The artist lives with his family in Pondicherry and works from his studio in the city.