Nandgopal V.

Nandagopal V from Andhra Pradesh is a well-known Kalamkari artist who trained at the Kalahasti School to learn the traditional art form that the state is renowned for. Inundated with detailed mythological figuration and local flora fauna, the compositions are painted on cloth with a fine pen and brush in hand, hence the name kalahasti. Skilled at depicting man and nature, his imagery on canvas comes filled with animals, beautiful flowers, fruits, birds, deities and traditional motifs. Nandagopal has also painted icons including Durga, and Krishna and episodes from Mahabharata and Ramayana. He sticks to using the basic five colours red, black, blue, yellow and green but also mixes them in different combinations. Using long white cloth as its base, his canvases are prepared laboriously through a process that takes time, and he prefers to work in larger scale. The artist lives and works from his studio in Kalahasti.

Nandgopal V. art works

Natural Dyes on Cotton 279x754 cm